A leaky dishwasher may start as an inconvenience and quickly turn into an expensive problem for homeowners. All too often a call for help is placed only after the kitchen floor and perhaps surrounding rooms have been flooded, at which point additional services for cleanup and floor replacement may be required. Fortunately, there are several causes of leaks that homeowners can check for and remedy themselves to prevent further damage until a professional arrives.

Simple Solutions

Dishwashers begin leaking either directly beneath the appliance or around the edges of the door. When possible, careful observers can check for leaks regularly, rather than waiting for a serious overflow to bring attention to the matter. If your dishwasher is showing signs of water leakage, consider each of the possible common causes for leaks below and take action accordingly.

The Dishwasher is Not Level

A dishwasher must be firmly rooted on a level surface to function properly. The first step to take if leaking has occurred is to ensure that equal pressure is resting on each corner of the appliance.

Use of Improper Detergent

Not all dish detergents are equal, and choosing the wrong product can wreak havoc on your machine. Soaps approved for hand washing, for example, are not compatible with dishwashers, and using them even just once can cause excess suds and a resultant overflow. If this occurs, remove dishes from the dishwasher, wipe down any visible soap, and run an empty cycle to clear out the machine.

Clogged Filter

From time to time a dishwasher may drain less effectively because of food particles that become clogged in the filter. Check and clean the filter often to remove any buildup in order to avoid leaks that could otherwise result from overfilling due to backed-up drains.

Cracked or Worn Gaskets

Around the edges of a dishwasher door are rubber or plastic seals that ensure that the water is contained securely within the machine during each cycle. If these seals, or gaskets, become worn or cracked a leak will occur. Check gaskets for any signs of wear regularly.

When to Call Pure Plumbing & Air

It may be possible to identify the cause of a dishwasher leak before calling for help, but implementing a solution is not always an easy task. In addition, one remedy may seem to solve the problem at first, but ignore other issues that complicate the matter. Because a dishwasher is directly connected to a home’s main water line and plumbing system, it is always best to have a licensed, bonded plumber take a look at what may be causing the leak and perform any repairs. Making this simple investment may go a long way toward preserving floors, preventing pipeline problems throughout the house, and preventing the need to replace the dishwasher earlier than expected. At the first sign of leaking or backup, call a trusted professional at Pure Plumbing & Air at (702) 534-1910 to schedule an appointment.

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