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Tips For Buying a Water Heater

You need a new water heater. You’re either moving into a brand new home, or the water heater in your old home is on its last legs after long years of service. You may also be doing a remodel that will add a bathroom or two to the house. You might also be thinking of adding a new family member. How do you go about buying a new heater that’s energy efficient and reliable? Here are some tips:

Figure Out How Much Water Heater You’ll Need

If you were satisfied with the hot water your old heater provided and don’t plan on increasing the size of your household, then you might want to buy a heater that holds the same amount of water and has the same recovery rate. But if you’re doing a renovation or are anticipating the arrival of a new baby or two or an elderly in-law somewhere down the line, you’ll need to take the new demands for hot water into consideration.

You’ll need to estimate how much water the household will use during peak hours and find a heater that can comfortably meet those demands. You’ll need to know how much water the tank holds and how much water it can heat up in an hour. This is the recovery rate or first hour rating, and you can find it on the heater’s energy sticker.

Water heaters can be powered by electricity, natural gas, propane or oil. It’s simply easier to install a new water heater that uses the same kind of power as the old one.

Consider Tankless Heaters

These types of water heaters heat up water when it’s needed and don’t hold it in a tank all day, which wastes energy. Tankless water heaters, like water softeners, can be installed at point-of-use, which might be at one sink. They can also be installed at point-of-entry to serve the entire home. Unlike traditional water heaters, tankless water heaters are often installed on the walls. This frees up a lot of floor space. People who buy tankless water heaters are also eligible for a tax rebate. These types of heaters also don’t burst, don’t run dry and last much longer than traditional water heaters. However, they can be more costly to operate, especially if they’re powered by natural gas and are used to service the entire house.

Do the Math

If a new water heater is going to be installed in a new house, here’s a way to find out which type of heater is best for you. Tally up the price and cost of installation of the heaters that are being considered, then compare the number to the efficiency rating on the heaters’ energy star stickers. This will give you the payback period, or how long it will take for the heater to pay for itself.

Remember that your team of professional Las Vegas plumbers are always available at Pure Plumbing to help you any time with your plumbing concerns. You can count on trained experts to come at a time that is convenient for you, getting you back on track and saving you money.